Nexus 7 from Google (7-Inch 16 GB Black) by ASUS (2013) Tabl/376302, 상세내용참조, 상세내용참조, 상세내용참조 - WRAPUP
- 2024-07-02 11:51:36
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The Nexus 7 from Google is a 7-inch tablet with 16GB of storage capacity in black color. It is manufactured by ASUS and was released in 2013. The tablet features a high-resolution display, powerful processor, and runs on the Android operating system. It is designed for portability and ease of use, making it ideal for reading, watching videos, browsing the web, and playing games. The Nexus 7 also offers access to the Google Play Store, where users can download a wide range of apps, games, and entertainment content. Overall, the Nexus 7 is a versatile and powerful tablet that offers a great user experience.
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