Kozeewarm USB Battery Heated Blanket 30x40, Dark GreenBattery Not Included

Kozeewarm USB Battery Heated Blanket 30x40, Dark GreenBattery Not Included - WRAPUP

  • 2024-05-05 01:38:40
  • 리뷰(0)
#GreenBattery #Kozeewarm #USB #Battery #Heated #Blanket #Dark #Not #Included

The Kozeewarm USB Battery Heated Blanket is a cozy and convenient way to stay warm on chilly days. This blanket measures 30x40 inches and comes in a stylish dark green color.

Please note that this blanket does not include a battery, so you will need to purchase a separate USB battery to power it. The blanket features a USB port for easy connectivity to a battery, allowing you to enjoy hours of warmth wherever you go.

Stay warm and comfortable with the Kozeewarm USB Battery Heated Blanket, perfect for camping, outdoor events, or simply lounging at home. Get yours today and never be cold again!

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