Honey apple with both sweet and crunchy texture! You can order all 3kg/5kg/10kg!, 1개, Small and medium-sized 10kg

Honey apple with both sweet and crunchy texture! You can order all 3kg/5kg/10kg!, 1개, Small and medium-sized 10kg - WRAPUP

  • 2024-04-11 19:24:38
  • 리뷰(0)
#안동사과 #Honey #apple #with #both #sweet #and #crunchy #texture #You #can #order #all #Small #mediumsized

Our honey apple is a perfect blend of sweet and crunchy textures, making it the ideal snack for any occasion. You can order our honey apple in quantities of 3kg, 5kg, or 10kg, depending on your needs.

Each apple is carefully selected to ensure freshness and quality. They are available to order individually or in small and medium-sized packs of 10kg.

Enjoy the delicious taste of our honey apple and experience the perfect combination of sweetness and crunchiness with every bite!

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