왕초보 실생활 영어회화+기본패턴:나도 영어로 말할 수 있다

왕초보 실생활 영어회화+기본패턴:나도 영어로 말할 수 있다 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-03-23 03:01:49
  • 리뷰(0)
#왕초보영어 #왕초보 #실생활 #영어회화기본패턴나도 #영어로

(로켓배송 가능)

1. Excuse me, could you tell me about this product?
2. Sure, this is a smartwatch that tracks your daily activity and gives you notifications from your phone.
3. How much does it cost?
4. It's on sale for $150, but the regular price is $200.
5. Does it come with a warranty?
6. Yes, it comes with a one-year warranty for any defects.
7. That sounds good. Can I try it on?
8. Of course, here you go.
9. It feels comfortable. I think I'll take it.
10. Great choice! Would you like to pay with cash or card?

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* 상품리뷰는 상품리뷰 버튼을 클릭하면 확인할 수 있어요.
* 파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있어요.