Transaction Models for Web Accessibility Paperback

Transaction Models for Web Accessibility Paperback - WRAPUP

  • 2024-03-23 07:52:00
  • 리뷰(0)
#Accessibility #Transaction #Models #for #Web #Paperback

This book offers a comprehensive overview of transaction models for web accessibility, focusing on the design and implementation of user-friendly web interfaces that meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. The authors explore various transaction models, such as the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the User Transaction Model (UTM), and provide practical guidance on how to incorporate these models into web development projects. Topics covered include accessible design principles, user testing and evaluation, assistive technologies, and the legal and ethical considerations of web accessibility. With real-world examples and case studies, this book is essential reading for web developers, designers, and anyone interested in creating inclusive and accessible web experiences.

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